Web Site of
The Reagan County High School Alumni
of Big Lake Texas
E Mail Addresses
RCHS Alumni

RCHS Album

About Texas

Fall, 2002, updated 10/26/02
Summer, 2002, updated 08/22/02
Spring, 2002, updated 05/12/02
Winter, 2001, updated 02/18/02
Fall, 2001, updated 11/15/01
Summer 2001, updated 07/10/01
April, May, 2001
March, 2001
February, 2001
January, 2001
December, 2000
Guestbook thru 10/20/01
Guestbook thru 04/30/01
Guestbook thru 12/20/00
The Mystery of Texon Hill
July,2001, updated 07/15/01
Links to Other Web Sites
OwlSpirit Beginnings
November 2000

WINTER, 2002

The OwlSpirit has received word that Richard Davis, ' 59 is home from the hospital and recovering well. Some of the information regarding his heart attack on January 3, 2003, has been left in this column. Please continue to remember him and family in your prayers. (And, as a note, Kenn Keener, '54 has submitted a lengthy Guestbook entry that gives health updates on several alumni.) Richard had the heart attack Friday morning while playing golf on the seventh hole. He finished the golf round of nine holes, packed up his clubs and drove home 20 miles. He drove up just as Kay was leaving for a lunch with Deborah and Kay noticed Richard parked his car on a diagonal, so unlike him. He was still coherant enough to tell Kay he thought he was having a heart attack; Kay asked him if he wanted 911 or the doctor. The doctor's office sent him immediately to the emergency room, so Kay drove him to the hospital, on the back roads with great care and great speed. Kay says Richard has two major occlusions and now has two stents holding the veins open. One was 50% occulded. Recovery could take 2-3 months. Richard had surgery on January 8, 2003. Richard got a double bypass and has been released from the hospital. His email is kaywd@flash.net.